Case Study: Javits Center

Gryps connects data silos from DOBNow, Procore & e-Builder to provide the owner project managers with a single system to access information

Project in Numbers

Data points Gryps aggregated
Systems Connected
Documents properly structured
Hours saved


Getting insights on projects of this scale is typically a daunting task. Contractors and subcontractors utilize their own systems during design and construction, as a result data and documents are stored on several platforms, and the filing structure isn't always organized. Owners need to receive all data and documents related to a project in an organized structure to gain insights on future projects and to ensure maintenance planning, training and scheduling are implemented properly. 

This case study examines how owners can save time spent on monotonous tasks by automating data collection with Gryps.

The owner project manager had access to two different project management systems (e-Builder and Procore), while also maintaining a separating owner project management system (Procore). Once the projects were completed, data and documents were in three different locations and required manual work to consolidate that data and transfer it over to the owners system. That included RFIs, submittals, change orders, invoices, contracts, operation and maintenance manuals, warranty letters, closeout letters, certificates of occupancy and many other documentation required to operate the facility.

Gryps automatically ingested over 100,000 documents and 200,000 data points, organized the data and provided easy access to the Javits team, saving hundreds of hours of staff time. Gryps connected to Procore, e-Builder, DOBNow, and is currently exploring additional system connections.  Gryps utilizes meta data and audit trails recorded in contractor systems to reorganize the data, rename files and recreate folder structures that make sense for the owner.

Gryps unique software platform deploys software robotic agents that perform complex tasks more accurately and exponentially more quickly than people can. Our RPA pipelines enable our customers to automatically ingest information from sources even if they do not have APIs, without the need to spend millions of dollars and engage multiple integration teams. Tasks such as aggregating data from disparate software silos typically take humans weeks and at least 30% of necessary data is lost.


  • With Gryps, owners completed closeout documentation 10x faster.
  • Javits project managers can now easily search and retrieve their information developed during construction
  • With constant updates from the Department of Buildings regarding permits, violations, job requests - Gryps provides access to all staff without the need to log-in to DOBNow everyday.
  • With over 20 systems in use by design and construction managers at Javits, Gryps continues to work with the Javits team to automate data connections and access.

Systems Connected

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Spending too much time on collecting and organizing your data?